
List of Fall Festival Winners by Year


Cutlasses by Susan diRende

The Oregon Trail Play by Doris Baizley

The Last Hanging in Pike County by Janice Kennedy

Only the Dead Know Burbank by Peter Lefcourt

Smith of Wooten Major by Jeff Richardson and Hal Ferdig

Stolen from Gypsies by Noble Smith

Mary Todd Lincoln by Warren Carlson


Alice in Panto-Land by Jim Giancarlo and Darcy Danielson

Circles by S. Michele McFadden

Under Yelena by Buffy Sedlachek

Faded Glory by Tim Burns

Werewolf Blues by Vanessa Nowitsky

When God Came to Babylon by Dori Appel


Shooting Stars by Peter Saldamando

The Real, Real Thing (now The Taste Test) by Frank Higgins

Miss Coffin and Mrs. Blood by Sandy Diamond

The Magic Fire by Lillian Garrett-Groag

The Magic Stone by Michael Mish

Kingdom of Crump by Dori Appel

Dear Katherine by Judith Montague


Pictures at an Inhibition by Mark Berman

Voices from Black Canyon by Toby Armour

The Washington-Sarajevo Talks by Carla Seaquist

One Glorious Afternoon by Alexander Steele

A Paradise of Fools by Michael E. Wolfson

The Yellow Room by Terry Baum

Ink by Tony Foster

Orwell in Orlando by Lee Patton


Freud’s Girls by Dori Appel

The Man Who Ran the World by Leonard Gross

Oscar Wilde’s Wife by Rhonda Spinak

Speaky-Spikey-Spokey by David Rambo

The Famous Tuscan Springs by Byron Burruss and Joe Hilsee


A Festival of Lights by James S. Henerson

Cupid’s Bones by Steve Murray

Everyday People by Ignacio Zulueta

Portraits by Colleen Pickett


Invasion of Privacy by Larry Parr

St. Colm’s Inch by Robert Koon

The Sins of Sor Juana by Karen Zacarías

The Return to Morality by Jamie Pachino


The Memoirs of JFK by Leonard Gross

Cyber Serenade by Mia McCullough

Kate and Kafka by Carla Seaquist

SWM by Gregory Foote


Knowing Cairo by Andrea Stolowitz

Betty Thorpe by James Armstrong

Peanut Butter and Jelly by James Wall

Daedalus by David Davalos


Eat and Run by Karl Tiedemann

Freak Show by John Giblin

Countess and Chicago May by Raymond Hardie

The Linden Tree by Lois Roisman


Alas, Poor Yorick by Gary Seger

Legerdemain by Michael Wolfson

Maternal Spirits by James Caputo

Luke’s Dad by Robert Barnett


Solomon’s Blade by Lisa Beth Allen

By Moonlight by Ann Noble

Drop Everything by Phyllis Purscell

Reckoning Angel by Robert Barnett


Splitting Infinity by Jamie Pachino

Odin’s Horse by Robert Koon

Leonardo by John Fiorillo

Desert Sailing by Jerry Evans


The Garden of Dromore (now Dusk) by James McLindon

Why’d Ya Make Me Wear This, Joe? by Vanda

At the Heart of Art by Lydia Bruce and Andrew S. Burns

Exit Polls by Daniel C. Beck


The Language of Trees by Steven Levenson

Saving Grace by James McLindon

Acceptable Risk by Paula Fell

Such Moments (now In the Dream Castle) by Drew Katzman


A Death Defying Act by Barbara Lindsay

Loyalties by Tony Pasqualini

Mystery Spot by Steve Lyons

Song of Extinction by E.M. Lewis


A Gold Star in the Window by Harlene Goodrich

The Exceptionals by Bob Clyman

The Insidious Impact of Anton by David Hilder

Technicolor Life by Jami Brandli


Countdown to the Happy Day by Thomas W. Stephens

Couples by Gary Dontzig

Fernando by Steven Haworth

Spin, or Twilight of the Bohemians by Carol Verburg


The God Game by Suzanne Bradbeer

How It Works by Cary Pepper

Omission by Joshua Rebell

This Rough Magic (now The Truth Quotient) by Richard Manley


A Question of Words by Richard Manley

The Boatwright by Bo Wilson

Other Than Honorable by Jamie Pachino

Sleeping Dogs by Robert John Ford


A Little Quid Pro Quo (now The Good Bet) by Bob Clyman

The Groyser by James Harmon Brown

Homecoming by Michael Edan

Irreversible by Jack Karp


The Luckiest People by Meridith Friedman

The Bottle Tree by Beth Kander

The Return of Tartuffe by Brian Mulholland

And Vaster by Skye Robinson Hillis


EdanEv by Mike Teele

The Madres by Stephanie Alison Walker

Hazardous Materials by Beth Kander

Oberon Springs by Michael Erickson


A Dark Sky Full of Stars by Don Zolidis

Go. Please. Go. by Emily Feldman

Sofonisba by Callie Kimball

What We Were by Blake Hackler


The Excavation of Mary Anning by Ian August

Primary User by Nate Eppler

Cold Spring by Victor Lesniewski

The Abuelas by Stephanie Alison Walker


Starter Pistol by Michael Gotch

Pelicans by David Johnston

The Way North by Tira Palmquist

The Night Climber by Joshua Rebell


Zero by Ian August

Hyannis by Kari Bentley-Quinn

Truth Be Told by William Cameron

Those Days Are Over by David Hilder

The Communist Revolution: A Ninth-Grade European History Project (There Will Be a Practical Demonstration) by Grace McLeod

Bios and synopses of 2020 winners


Pocket Universe by Thomas Brandon

Certain Aspects of Conflict in the Negro Family by TyLie Shider

What Happened While Hero Was Dead by Meghan Brown

Last Drive to Dodge by Andrew Lee Creech

Bios and synopses of 2021 winners


Chapters of a Floating Life by Clarence Coo

Breakfast at the Bookstore by Lisa Langford

The Hunt for Benedetto Montone by Victor Lesniewski

Remains and Returns by Novid Parsi

Best Available by Jonathan Spector

Bios and synopses of 2022 winners


Lyon’s Pride by Bleu Beckford Burrell

Ashland by Isabel Estelle

Long Time Coming by Weston Gaylord